Taxation- Income Tax and SST in Malaysia

The essential information you have to know for your business.

Understanding Corporate Tax and Important Deadlines

As a business owner, it important to know and understand what is corporate tax and the important deadlines.

Tax Estimate and CP204

                                                                    It is crucial for business or company owners to understand Tax Estimate and its requirements and when to submit CP204 form in order to carry out your business smoothly.

A complete guide to SST

                                                          Here, we will guide you to understand what is SST by providing you a thorough information on this matter.

Monthly Tax Deduction (PCB)


PCB, or Potongan Cukai Bulanan is a monthly tax deduction that is retained by employers and is paid over to Inland Revenue Board (IRB) or Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN).

Deductible and Non-deductible expenses


Knowing which expenses are non-deductible and deductible in the production of income will help you to minimise cost in the non-deductible expenses. Here are some of deductible expenses in taxation that you should be aware of.